Why did former Soviet Union (Russian) elite athletes dominate World sporting events in the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s? Most people believe it was steroid use, however, what wasn't known was that they were the only athletes to include Siberian Ginseng and Golden Root (rhodiola rosea) in their daily nutrition programs. Russian scientists found that these 2 naturally occuring substances helped increase strength by an amazing 15% to 27% in only 3 months and also dramatically shortened recovery time between training sessions and from injuries, all achieved with elite, Olympic-caliber athletes. Scientists also found that Golden Root had tremendous rejuvenating powers because former older athletes were able to regain a significant amount of their lost strength and stamina.

We definitely started something big. We started putting ginseng and golden root in our first formula in 1998. That was 5 years before anyone else had heard of them. Now other companies have realized their undeniable performance-enhancing benefits. We are proud to have introduced Siberian ginseng and golden root to the US and we are very excited to be able to offer the ultimate sports performance formula, Peak Performance.

Peak Performance contains:
1.Prodapten Performance ComplexTM
Siberian Ginseng and Golden Root are adaptogens.
An adaptogen is an herb that helps the body
cope with and become stronger when under
stress, either physical or mental. The most
powerful and effective adaptogens ever dis-
covered are Ginseng and Golden Root.
Our Ginseng and Golden Root are the best
of the best. Our selection of not only these
2 ingredients, but all of our ingredients are 
what make this formula so effective.
About Ginseng and Golden Root:
Russian scientists have contributed a wealth
of research and knowledge to modern athletic
performance. Dominating international sports
competition was extremely important to former
communist Russia. Millions of dollars went
into their sports programs. Much of that went
into research to find naturally occurring sub-
stances that would help increase physical
performance but would not be banned by inter-
national sports organizations. Their research
paid off in a big way. Creatine was one of the
substances indentified. The other two were 
Rhodiola Rosea (Golden Root) and Siberian Ginseng (related to golden root).
These 3 substances combined with cutting-edge training methods helped Russia dominate world athletics for 40 years. All of the research and studies were kept secret from the rest of the world until 1990, 2 years after the fall of Communist Russia (USSR).

In several Russian studies, Ginseng and Golden Root were shown to have significant ability to increase strength, muscle-mass and stamina, in fact, by an incredible 16%- 27% in just 3 months. Golden Root has been shown to have a dramatic impact on the amount of oxygen available for prolonged physical exertion. Each of these herbs has demonstrated the ability to speed recovery time, not only from strenuous training, but also from muscle strains and more serious sports injuries. Again, these beneficial properties have been documented in numerous studies conducted by Russian university and medical scientists.

2. Alpha-PhytosteroneTM:
Peak Performance is the first performance supplement to contain both Himalayan Performance Complex and Alpha-Phytosterone, our exclusive blend of Ashwagandha from India, Tribulus Terrestris form Eastern Europe, *Zinc gluconate and the powerful plant-derived growth factor Fenutest. Our
 proprietary combination of Prodapten Performance Complex and Alpha-Phytosterone makes our formula exceptionally beneficial for high elevation physical activities.

3. Liver Function
One area that is often forgotten in the development of sports supplements is the liver. The whole process starts with the liver. If the liver is functioning at less than 100%, all body processes will reflect it. Serious athletes work their livers extremely hard. Many of the sports supplements on the market can actually have a negative health impact on the liver. It is important to support liver health in a sports supplements formula. That's why we put Milk Thistle in because it has documented liver health benefits
Do all the research you want. You'll find there's not another supplement like Peak Performance. It has ingredients in it with well-documented strength building benefits. It has ingredients in it that the Western World is just now learning about. It's the only one with Fenutest....the only one with Prodapten Complex and the only one with Alpha-Phytosterone. It's one of a kind and, most importantly, IT WORKS.

* Zinc is a critical component of the enzymes that are instrumental in the creation of muscle tissue.

Legal and Safe
What's listed on
the label is in the product...nothing more, nothing less!

click for label,
ingredients, directions

A Proprietary Combination of the World's Most Powerful Adaptogens
and Natural Strength Builders

Peak Performance
is serious strength
and stamina for
the things you
love to do
